Joshua Blackwell or Joshdifferent is trying his best to motivate people on a very personal level speaking about his fight with family dysfunction and narcissism. In a video, on April 1st Josh speaks about not making excuses for anything that you go through in life. He encourages everyone to seek therapy. “Especially in this generation,” said Joshdifferent. He goes on to talk about being estranged from his family considering he is the scapegoat forcing him to move alone without his family of origin.
Josh explains why he does not have a specific niche And the content world although he is based with fitness. The comedy, music, And fitness is an outlet in a coping mechanism when trying to deal with and process the situation he is in. Josh later speaks about how self-awareness is important. Encouraging everyone to dig into their family of origin and work on their childhood traumas. for more information on the topic or this content creator, links below:
Instagram: @Joshdifferentlifestyle