The first Fisher House in Maine was officially dedicated by Fisher House Foundation President David Coker and VA Maine Healthcare System Medical Center Director Tracye B. Davis today in a ceremony at the Togus VA Medical Center in Augusta, Maine. The VA Maine Fisher House opened its doors to Veteran families on February 17, 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the dedication ceremony was delayed.
Since opening its doors, the VA Maine Fisher House has cared for 550 guests while their loved ones received medical care. Special precautions have been taken including social distancing and increased cleaning procedures.
“The opportunity for me to stay at Fisher House and spend so much time each day with Rex has made such a difference for both of us,” said VA Maine Fisher House guest Susie Daugherty. “In the midst of the most frightening and depressing chapter of our 40-year marriage, we have received this amazing, spirit-lifting gift of time together, and for me to be able to return each night from the hospital to this perfectly beautiful home away from home is so comforting.”
The 13,500 sq. ft. home provides lodging for families of Veterans at no cost, allowing them to be with their loved ones while they undergo treatment at the at the Togus VA Maine Medical Center. The new home away from home will mean a savings to Veteran families of more than half a million dollars each year.
This is the 86th Fisher House located across the country and in Germany and the United Kingdom. Another five houses were opened during the pandemic bringing the total number of Fisher House to 91. The VA Maine Fisher House is in an area where many Veterans drive long distances to receive specialized care.
“We are grateful to have such a wonderful resource available in Maine for our Veterans and active duty service members. These comfort homes greatly enhance VA Maine’s ability to provide access to exceptional health care for Veterans,” said VA Maine Healthcare System Medical Center Director Tracye B. Davis.
“I am honored to finally be part of the VA Maine Fisher House dedication,” said Fisher House Foundation President David Coker. “Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the Fisher House has done an amazing job supporting families during these challenging times.”
The VA Maine Fisher House has 16 handicap accessible guest suites, a spacious kitchen, large communal living, dining and family rooms, laundry room and an outdoor patio. The home was gifted to VA as part of the dedication ceremony.
Fisher House Foundation proudly recognizes the generosity of the following contributors for their extraordinary support of our military and Veterans’ families: the Wohlers Family Foundation, Fisher House of Boston, Inc., Ruby W. & Lavon P. Linn Foundation, Vehicles for Veterans, and the many gifts of a grateful nation.